12 Month Photo Challenge 2021 - March

 Hi, Sweet Friends,

I usually do a weekly photo challenge blog and this year I thought ...

Why not make it once a month for those of us who have a lot on our plate already :D

So, here is what I hope to do (one month behind now):

This Photo Challenge will be totally your choice. I will give you topic ideas for each month. I would love for you to join me.

 I'll be taking photos till the last week of each month when I will choose the best shot for the Challenge. Won't you join me :D I'll be posting the last Thursday of the Month :D

 I will be posting them on another venue other than Facebook due to some disagreements. There are many Photo Challenges there if you wish to join them. I'm ironing out the group now and will post here when and where to find it :D

 March - Mother Nature: Go outside and find something to photograph. Your choice. Take shots to create the final perfect Nature shot!

Last Snow in March 2021
I chose Snow. I love snow! This is the last snow for March and I like the colors of the trees with the layer of snow.  

Last snow of 2021 altered
I played with the saturation and the brightness. I shot this through the screen door and like the result. Again, I focused on the pop of color and the fade of white to alter the photo.

Join me, won't you? Let's have a year of New Traditions, New Adventures, and NEW PHOTOS!  :D


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