GriefShare For Those Who Have Suffered A Loss Of A Family Member Or Friend

 Hi, Sweet Friends,

MAD Hubby and I would like to tell you about GriefShare. We have been going through this Bible Study Course for a few weeks now and it has not only helped us through our loss, but it has brought us closer together. 

What is GriefShare? This is a group of people who have suffered a loss of someone in the family or a friend. There is a workbook with a weekly personal story, daily exercises to help you cope, scripture readings that apply, and questions to get you thinking and learning about grief. There are weekly videos and discussions with members of the group afterward. 

Why would I be interested in Grief Share? If you have had a loss in your life, it is good to grieve. There is "a time to weep, a time to mourn..." Ecclesiastes 3:4 This comprehensive Bible Study Course will help you through this time of mourning.

I have lost a loved one why does it hurt so much?
 Does everyone grieve the same way?
Does God really care?

These are some of the questions that are addressed in Grief Share "Your Journey From Mourning To Joy". This is a Bible Study Group, however, there is a link to Grief Share that you may found helpful to get you started.
Rurik is missing his Grandma. Animals miss loved ones when they pass.
Besides GriefShare, we also found has good information for the time of mourning HERE if you are not interested in the Study Group or if you just want to study on your own. There is help for this time of grieving. These are just a couple ideas to get you on your way.

It is my prayer that you find comfort in Jesus during your time of grief. 

God bless you today and always,



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