What do you add to a compost?

Western Colorado, CJD.Sign
Hi Sweet Friends,
I've been doing a compost pile since 1989, when I had a garden in the Coastal Area of North Carolina. I loved having the nutrients to add naturally, to my garden veggies and herbs. A nice side dressing of compost once a month is a boost to any garden. Making the compost yourself is not only recycling, but an efficient way to use kitchen scraps.
Our 2019 Garden, CJD.Sign
 I add old veggies and vegetable scraps, egg shells, nut shells, wood ash, grass clippings, weeds, fruit and fruit skins (not many fruit seeds, as I don’t want anything to grow in there), bread, cereals, corn & husks and cobs, melon rinds, and chicken manure (horse, cow, sheep work well, too), worm castings, and leaves.
When I add to the compost pile,  I open the middle of the pile up with a shovel and deposit kitchen scraps into it daily. I then cover them back over with compost, so the wild animals don’t come calling.

I wet the pile down when we don't have rain or when the compost is really "cooking", as it does when the compost is turning into awesome stuff for the garden!

Hope this helps!


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