"Shoulder Taps" God Touches

 Hi, Sweet Friends,

My Dad sent this video to me and I thought I would share it with you.

It's beautiful.
It happens to me a lot.

I hope you feel the "Shoulder Taps" God gives you!

Smile at the cashier having a bad day and tell her something nice.

Tell the parents of well-behaved children that they are doing a great job.

Let the waiter know you like his clean appearance and can see the pride he has in his job.

Send a friend a note just because.

Offer to take a friend's children for a few hours so they can have a "date nite". 

Call a friend who could use a friendly voice. Make time so they can talk and you can listen.

Ask a stranger if there is anything they need prayer for. Pray for them.

Let someone go in front of you in line when you have a huge basket filled with items.

I believe, God talks to us daily. I believe that the Holy Spirit gives us the nudge to step out in faith and help others. I believe Jesus would be smiling when we honor His Father's 10 Commandments and "Love your neighbor as yourself." Powerful words we can all live by. 

God Bless you!
Enjoy your day and Smile at a stranger!


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