Birthstones for You

Hi Sweet Friends,
Today we are exploring the many different Gemstones that are used for Birthstones. I've put up  many Birthstone charts to show how gemstones are used. Custom Gem Cutter's chart uses a few different stones due to availability and cost for the customer and the same goes for Ouray Silversmith's chart below.

Because of the cost of Diamonds, the Birthstone of April, substitutes are often used. You can see that Custom Gem Cutter uses Phenakite or Goshenite, the Phenakite is rare and the Goshenite is a more cost effective stone. Whereas Ouray Silversmith's uses a Man Made Gemstone, Cubic Zirconia which has the same MOHs Hardness level as Diamond only much less costly.
Photo Credit  Ouray Silversmith's
It is all a matter of preference when choosing a Birthstone.So, if you consider the options it will make for an easier selection when it comes to choosing your Birthstone.

Brought to you by Custom Gem Cutter Matt A. Dunkle


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