The Clean and De-clutter Challenge from Simple Living Mama

Hi Sweet Friends!
I just have to share this great post from Simple Living Mama,   called "The Clean and De-clutter Challenge" LINK . I have to agree with Joanie Boeckman, I too get the suffocating feeling of clutter and it can make a gal crazy! Joanie has even created a face book group for support!)see the link on her page above link

Our Christmas Decorations are still up and will be till all the Grandchildren get to have their Christmas at Granpa and Gram's House.
And I am currently in a Branding class, so just as soon as these two events are done, I'll be tackling this challenge. I will post up photos as  soon as I have them and hope you will give me some feed back and join with us as we clean and de-clutter this New Year!
Here are some of the ideas I hope to put into effect in our home revamp!
Source: dear lillie
Source: dear lillie
I want to refinish my library table like the one on the right. I hope to recover my wingback chair too!

 Don't forget to click the link above for ideas for your New Year Organizing! Good Luck! 

wishing for our bedroom!!



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