Keep Your Car Battery Alive & More Tips!

Photo from Consumer Reports
I don't know if you have had any car trouble during winter time, but I have and it is not fun!  So here are some tips/links that we can all use to help our cars get through this winter and decrease stressful  furry!
Keep your car battery alive in winter
Buy an"effective battery charger, they cost less than buying a new battery every year"

 Items you'll want in your car for winter emergencies
  • Extra Clothing:   A scarf, gloves, thick shocks, shoes/boots, coat, rain poncho, knit hat & fleece/wool blanket.
  • Water: One bottle for each person and for the dog, too. Be in the habit of bringing a fresh supply of water bottles every time you go out and drive, so the bottles don't freeze and split.
  • Food:  Non-perishable food bars and "high calorie" snacks like nuts.
  • Shovel & Ice Scraper
  • Snow Brush
  • Windshield Washer Fluid: The "deicer" kind is best in winter.
  • Backpack: To keep small emergency items in so they don't get lost in your car. And to carry out survival gear/food if you have to leave your car during a storm.
  • Sand and Salt: Not kitty litter as it makes a slush with the clay in the mix.
  • Tire Chains:  Ones that fit the tire size of your car.
  • Flashlight: And extra batteries that fit the flashlight.
  • Glowlights:  A pack for emergency light or one can be attached to the jacket.
  • Jumper Cables
  • Cell Phone Charger
  • Full Tank of Gas: Before a storm hits, get your car filled up with gas. You can even have a small gallon gas can filled and stored in the trunk.
  • Emergency CASH
  • NOTE:*** I keep all of these in 2 milk crates in the back of the trunk. You can bungee cord them together and keep the blankets on top.

Keep the battery in good shape 

Check your battery levels and use your car manual to keep them at the right levels.

Replace Windshield Wipers

Putting on new wiper blades on before winter is a must. Your vision is imperative in a snow storm.

Check The Oil

Refill it if the gauge shows it is low. Keep a bottle in the trunk too.

 Check the Tires

Replace if they are going bald.

 Keep an Emergency Kit in your trunk
Great idea, I have one in my trunk with band-aids, silver emergency blankets, flashlight with extra batteries, flares, granola bars , glow lights, and bungee cords. 

I have been caught in "White Out Storms" in Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Utah, New York & Maine, so just be safe and think safe.
"It is better to be safe than sorry" is the old adage. 

Enjoy Winter & Be Safe!


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