Herb Gardening by CJD.Sign ~ Friday Foods

Chamomile for Tea!

Loose leaf lettuce. Organically grown and great for keeping the soil damp in the herb garden.

Garden Basil or Sweet Basil boarders each section of my herb garden. The smell is wonderful, even if it is just brushed by.

Sweet Basil & Dalia in Orange.

Cilantro or "Coriander"

Flat Leaf Italian Basil. And my shoe. :)

A Waterfall of Flax & Alyssum.

Milk Weed for the Monarchs.

Red Columbine from Colorado. Blue Columbine is the State Flower of Colorado.

Cocks Comb & Zinnias White & Orange Blaze

Alyssum ~ Carpet of Snow.  My daughter is Alyssa short from my favorite flower Alyssum. It smells of honey.

There is a quick recap of my Herb Garden. It has come a long way.
Here is what the garden plot looked like this Spring.

I will be chatting about herbs individually in future blogs! So stay tuned!
Enjoy & Start an Herb Garden today. You can also do them in pots outside or inside on a sunny window.

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