DIY Gallery-Style Photo Wall

DIY Gallery-Style Photo Wall

I have this wall that goes downstairs to our studios and it is white, blank, and boring. I know, I said "white was good for a change." But I have decided to instal a "photo Gallery-Style wall for this downstairs triangle wall.  I found a great blog and will be following a couple of these styles. I will post, as always, when I am done!  

I am going to use the second stair case layout for the left side where the hand rail is located and this Family layout here above for the right hand side going down. But painting this wall will have to be done first. And that will be done today!

The link to the whole blog is:

by My Love Of!

Here is a layout with dimensional photo frames and the layout that I will follow. I found this one in particular below on Pinterest, but here is the original link on

Staircase Wall Display - plan how your exact arrangement will look before you put any holes in your walls!

Well, as usual, this is one of those "to do this week" jobs. I will let you know how it goes. Please comment if you have done this before and have some good tips! I would love to read them!
Enjoy & Blessings to You!

UPDATE: I found a great post on pinterest about this gallery-photo look. Link is HERE...


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